Safe Harbor Peer Crisis Services
Are you looking for a place to come during a crisis, but don’t want or need a hospital or other immediate professional care? Is there anyone you can call, or actually talk to face-to-face — someone who has “walked in your shoes?” Could a peer help you figure out the next steps to take to deal with the immediate crisis and continue in your own recovery? The answer to all these questions is, YES. The place is Safe Harbor, and the person you can sit down with in a comfortable, calm setting is one of our Peer Specialists — one of your peers.
We’ve Been There
Our Safe Harbor Peer Specialists have experienced mental illness and are in recovery. They’ve been in crisis situations that are stressful — they understand how you feel and can listen, share and offer practical coping strategies. Our goal is to give you a comfortable space where you can come, talk and learn about available tools that work in time of crisis, and get back on your feet as you pursue recovery.
Recovery-Focused Crisis Care
No two crises are the same, and every person who calls or visits Safe Harbor is treated as an individual. We listen and provide practical support and strategies to deal with the immediate situation. We also offer suggestions for connecting or reconnecting with other resources after the immediate crisis for continued support in your recovery process.
Visit or Call
Nine out of 10 persons who have come to Safe Harbor report that these services averted a hospitalization. Call us. If we can help by phone, we will. If you want to come in, you are welcome. We offer a calm, comfortable environment where you can talk, relax and stay for up to 24 hours. We can provide a light snack (no meals are available) and a wealth of resources. Please bring your medicine with you — there is safe storage available.

Call the Warm Line. A Safe Harbor Peer Support Specialist will answer any time of day or night.
Safe Harbor does not provide emergency or other professional psychiatric or medical care. If you are in a crisis requiring professional attention, please call your doctor or therapist. In case of emergency, call 911.