For Adolescents & Young Adults

Two distinct programs for young adults

Community Alliance offers two distinct programs dedicated to helping adolescents and young adults experiencing mental illness, Navigate to Success and Healthy Transitions. Navigate to Success is focused on young adults ages 14-35 who are experiencing first episode psychosis. Healthy Transitions focuses on young adults ages 16-25 who either have or are at risk of developing serious mental health conditions.

Navigate to Success: supporting adolescents and young adults going through first episode psychosis

Community Alliance’s Navigate to Success program provides support for adolescents and young adults, age 14 to 35, who have recently begun to experience disruptive thoughts or behaviors attributed to first episode psychosis. Psychosis, or the blurring of reality, is a mental illness requiring focused treatment. It can also be a difficult and scary situation for the individual and their loved ones to understand and know how to respond.

Signs or symptoms of psychosis can include:

  • A change in behavior, such as isolation, irritability and/or loss of interest in activities
  • Disorganized thinking
  • Hearing things that other people don’t hear (auditory hallucinations)
  • Seeing things that other people don’t see (visual hallucinations)

Early intervention can be life-changing

Left untreated, symptoms can become more serious over time and have long-term consequences on functioning. However, early intervention and treatment can be life-changing – lessening the risk of relapse and ongoing functional impairment, reducing school and work disruptions, helping the family cope and support their loved one and creating a better prognosis for the long term.

Navigate to Success utilizes the national, research based NAVIGATE model to provide a coordinated specialty care program for individuals and is focused on resiliency and recovery.

The team tailors treatment plans to select the best mix of services and supports including:

  • Supported employment and education to support maintaining and/or resuming work and school activities
  • Education and support for families focused on a variety of recovery-oriented topics
  • Care coordination
  • Individual therapy focused on learning and practicing new skills for resiliency and recovery
  • Psychiatric medication evaluation and management services

Our inter-professional team works in coordination with the individual and his/her family to offer a range of mental health and well-being services that enhance understanding of the illness and development of the skills necessary to function well at home, on the job, at school and in the community.

The Navigate to Success program is open to:

  • Teens and adults aged 14 to 35
  • Individuals with symptom duration of more than one week but less than two years

Learn More

For more information about the Navigate to Success program call 402-341-5128.

Visit our FAQs page for more Community Alliance information.

Healthy Transitions

Youth and young adult mental health services are a growing need in our community. Healthy Transitions is a Community Alliance program developed specifically for adolescents and young adults aged 16-25 who are experiencing mental health challenges or need extra support. Our team works with clients to develop a plan that offers hope and leads towards stability.

For Youth & Young Adults

For young adults, accessing adult care services when they reach the ages of 18 or 19 can be a frustrating and difficult process. Our team is here to support in easing the transition process from youth behavioral health systems to adult services. We fill in service and coordination gaps to ensure individuals promptly receive necessary behavioral health services. Working with individuals and their support systems, we help to coordinate person-centered care across the spectrum of needs.

What to Expect

Services are primarily offered in the community, offering comfort and privacy in each interaction in a natural and familiar environment. Typically, individuals have an initial screening with our team and then meet with Healthy Transitions staff on a regular basis to assess and evaluate current needs and goals. Community skills building and empowering youth and young adults to develop independent living skills is all part of the process. Community Alliance utilizes a team that includes peer care coordinators so teens and young adults feel comfortable in their path toward recovery.

How to Access Care

Program participants must reside in Douglas or Sarpy County and be within the age range of 16-25. Referrals are accepted from partnering organizations and families may also call or walk-in to access services.

Potential clients may be a good fit for the Healthy Transitions program if they are having difficulty in two of the following three areas:

  • Mental health challenges
  • Work or school
  • Social, interpersonal relationships or community functioning
  • Self-care or independent living

Ready to find out more?

Call (402) 341-5128 or email

Attend a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Upcoming 2025 classes hosted by Community Alliance will be held in the Hunzeker B Conference Room on:

March 20        April 22
May 20            June 18

9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

In conjunction with the National Council for Wellbeing, this course is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addiction challenge or is in crisis. This class introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations.

Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including ADHD), and eating disorders.

Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack, this Youth Mental Health First Aid Course teaches you how to assist and support young people who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

Contact Us to Register:

Cancellation Policy:  Class will be canceled if there’s less than 5 people enrolled on scheduled date. Registrants will be given the opportunity to enroll into subsequent course offerings.