Care Coordination

Your Advocate in Navigating the Services You Want and Need

Finding a doctor, making an appointment, filling out complex medical forms, asking the right questions, dealing with insurance companies, managing transportation - all these tasks can be quite burdensome and emotionally draining. Even worse, it can cause people to avoid seeking care altogether. That is why having an advocate to help navigate the services you want and need is so important. At Community Alliance, that advocate is your Care Coordinator.

Our care coordinators will work to make your path to recovery as smooth and seamless as possible. We do that by linking and coordinating mental health, physical health and social services together. We assist you in scheduling appointments and follow-ups. We will listen to your needs and preferences and help you communicate these at the right time to the right people. We’ll help you to track appointments and timely medication refills. We can also support you as you develop a wellness plan, making it easier to commit to a healthier lifestyle.

Linkage to Additional Resources

Other assistance includes connecting you with community and social service resources to assist with housing issues and transportation needs. Our network of resources extends to referrals for employment and educational supports, specialty medical care, children’s services and veteran services. We can link you with personal and family support groups. We can assist with helping you access financial and medical benefits for which you may be eligible. And we will help with the transition from hospital to community care and work with you to lessen the need for emergency room visits.

Our care coordinators work hard to understand and integrate all the moving parts necessary to assure a whole person approach to meeting your unique health care needs and goals. Having such an advocate to walk alongside you as you strive to attain your mental and physical health goals can make all the difference. Come see us today to get started.

Learn More

How can we help you? Call us at 402-341-5128. Community Alliance accepts Medicaid, Medicare and most private insurance. For those without insurance, we offer a sliding fee scale.

Visit our FAQs page for more Community Alliance information.

Contact Us

We value your questions, comments and information requests and will respond to you in as timely manner as we can.

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* This contact form is not monitored on a 24 hour / 7 day a week basis. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need to speak to someone right away, do not use this form. Call your doctor, therapist, or crisis support number. If you have a medical or psychiatric emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.