Our Volunteers are Helping Us Make A Positive Impact

What’s in it for you? Positive health outcomes.
Did you know that volunteering may benefit you as much as it benefits us at Community Alliance? In fact, when you volunteer, you have the chance to learn new skills, gain personal insights and make new social connections – all while supporting others in your community. Beyond the social benefits, volunteering can have physical benefits too. Decades of research has established a solid connection between volunteering and better health including:
- Greater functional ability
- Lower mortality rates
- Decreased rates of depression later in life
Get Involved and Make a Positive Impact.
April 8, 2021 – DAY OF ACTION, United Way, Omaha
Everyone is invited to support the work of local health and human service agencies, like Community Alliance, that have been serving at the frontlines of COVID. Community Alliance is recruiting volunteers, 18 and older, to help spruce up its largest residential facility, MorningStar, on April 8th – weather permitting.
Volunteer tasks will include:
- Trimming trees
- Pulling weeds
- Raking leaves
- Spreading mulch
Please register by April 6th.
“We’re expecting a group from Marcotte Insurance and from Blue Cross and Blue Shield,” explained Andy Johnson, Community Alliance Director of Administrative Services. “And we’ve had people who really appreciate the work we do already sign up and volunteer their time. Maybe they’ve had a family member who has struggled with mental illness. Just in terms of awareness, in one small way we can involve the community and break down stereotypes that still exist about housing and other community services for people with disabilities too,” Johnson added.
April 19th – 24th, SHARE OMAHA, Do Good Week
Community Alliance is also participating in Do Good Week – 5 days dedicated to meeting a wide range of needs in our community that involve participation that can include:
- Volunteering
- Donations
- In-kind gifts
Make a positive impact! Go to SHAREomaha.org to support Community Alliance. Every day, we are helping individuals overcome mental health challenges so they can live, work and thrive in our community. With your help, we can reach more individuals and families, we can help enrich lives and we can help make health, hope and healing a reality throughout our community.
“When we’re faced with challenges, we rise up to meet them, together. We’ve seen time and time again—when we help one another, everyone wins.” United Way, Omaha